

The Power of Wind

The power of the wind has been harnessed for thousands of years. As technology has advanced, the wind has been used for grinding grain, pumping water and providing electricity to farms beyond the reach of power lines. Today, wind farms use the energy contained in prevailing winds to generate electricity for homes and businesses.


Our businesses’ wind projects foster economic development and demonstrate Berkshire Hathaway Energy’s commitment to renewable energy and environmental respect. Through our subsidiaries MidAmerican Energy Company and PacifiCorp, we are No. 1 in the nation in ownership of wind-powered electric generation among rate-regulated utilities.

62% of the renewable energy generated is provided by wind

A Leader in Renewables


With more than 7,600 megawatts of owned wind generation capacity in operation at year-end 2023, wind energy plays an integral role in MidAmerican Energy Company’s 100% renewable energy vision for Iowa customers. 

Capacity Expansion


PacifiCorp continues to add new wind and renewable resources to the grid as it advances a reliable, clean energy future. PacifiCorp has nearly 2,300 megawatts of wind capacity in operation.

Delivering Wind Energy

*Owned and contracted megawatts from renewable sources as of December 31, 2023.